Friday, August 28, 2009

Politicians go all Jerry Springer on your ass!

Maybe it's because August is a notoriously slow news month, but the politicians in this country (the US) are beginning to unravel. Decorum has been chucked out the window of a campaign bus in favor of snapping at citizens who are asking questions.

I don't believe there's a completely direct link between entertainment media and reality. In fact, I scoffed this morning when a DJ on 98 PXY suggested Ryan Jenkins, a man who brutally murdered his ex-wife, was driven to his psychotic state of violence because he may have watched Power Rangers as a child. Howevs, if I did think that, then I would attribute the strange behavior of some politicians to the rise of reality television.

Either that, or it's an early sign of the 2012 apocalypse.

Example A: Hillary Clinton. In a trip to various parts of Africa, she stopped in Congo on August 10th to answer questions from college students. Personally, I'd understand how she's feeling. If your career was built on the coattails of somebody else, your insecurity against these criticisms would lead you to rehearse this speech time and again. The funniest part is, the question that was asked didn't even accuse of her of acting like what my sister calls "Billary." Watch and enjoy.

Example B: Barney Frank.
I love watching this video. I'm sure they show this video to up-and-coming politicians in their Publicity 101 class to demonstrate what NOT to do. Still, even if you're a Republican, there must have been times when you've wanted somebody to say something like this to somebody who's being stupid. Anybody who believes the fear-mongering bull Bill O'Reilly writes deserves Frank's answer here. Now, if only somebody would play this audio to the kiddies who claim Obama is a terrorist because his middle name is "Hussein."

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