Sunday, July 26, 2009

Evidence of the android invasion

A few things I'd like to point out:

- She's apparently in a party setting, but she's all by herself. She doesn't seem interested in anybody else, and nobody is interested in her. Furthermore, she doesn't even seem like she just came from an engaging conversation; she just showed up at the party to inform us of our birth control pill. Humans, even anti-social ones, wouldn't do that.

- The chick tries so hard to speak to us casually about dire consequences, such as "chronic inflammatory disease," "blood clots," and "strokes." But, you know, that wouldn't be as concerning to an android.

- She takes loud breaths in the middle of her sentences. Humans who can hear usually know how to pace their breaths. Robots don't really breathe, so they're learning how to fake it.

- Watch her eyes as she speaks to you. Her pupils are in your direction, but she doesn't look like she's looking right into the camera. I'd say she's reading cue cards or a prompter, but her eyes aren't moving from side to side. They're unfocused yet focused at the same time? She's looking towards you, but not really looking at you? Must be a distinguishing feature of the non-human ANDROID.

. . . .

Also, beware Android 3.0: Patrick Chewing.

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